Sunday, April 24, 2016

Exploring Nature

This week we have been exploring nature and have been learning about habitats and types of animals as well as things that live in and around our world.  To start off the week, we read the story about, Going on a Bear Hunt, in a cave made out of our parachute and then saw a special guest appear at the end of the book!  A bear!

We sorted images of animals into locations of where they live; the ocean, rainforest, homes for pets, etc.  The children in the afternoon as well as the morning have been learning about the process of elimination as they discussed with their teachers why or how a particular animal can live in one place or another.

The morning children were taught about polar bears and the reasons why they have extra fat and fur (to keep themselves warm in the arctic cold) on Monday and then were asked to review and remind the teachers of what they learned.
We also looked at snakes and the patterns and colors on them then headed over to the tables to make our own snakes using beads and pipe cleaners for some fine motor skills.  Some children made patterns and others chose to do one color for their snakes.  Everyone was very focused during this activity.
The afternoon children learned about the areas around us as the seasons change and how the atmosphere then changes too.  They were then allowed to create a wooded area or an oceanic area and chose the appropriate supplies on the table to enhance the area of which they chose.  Some chose to do the woods in the fall while others chose to create oceans with dolphins and sharks.

We talked about pollution in the afternoon as well this week.  We created an ocean environment then placed animals inside the water and watched them "swim around."  Then, we started to add "pollution" like garbage wrappers and "oil" (water colored paint) to the water and soon the children started sharing with us their disappointment in not being able to see the animals anymore.  What a great lesson! 
To jump on the tail of the idea of taking care of our Earth we sorted seeds in the morning to work on our fine motor and math skills.  If you are a family who plants or has a garden, please include your child in this process, to love the land is to know how important it is to take care of it and your children are very eager to help make things grow!

Speaking of growing, our math activity with leaves and numbers on trees was a huge success for our children moving on to kindergarten next year.  We gave them trees with numbers written on them then asked the children to match the number on a leaf to the correct number on their papers.  Number recognition is very important and as we move into number of the day in the coming weeks, activities like this show us what the children can handle moving forward.
We also talked about the colors of leaves and flowers outside and how they grow and change and the importance of watering them throughout the year, especially as we move into spring.  We took a jar with red water and a jar with blue water and placed an empty jar between them on a table.  The teacher folded a paper towel and placed it 1/2 in the red jar, and 1/2 in the empty jar and the same with the blue water and empty jar.  Then, as the paper towels ABSORBED (word for the day) the colored water, it transferred to the empty jar and created purple water!  It was amazing for everyone to watch and helped show how plants drink and move and use water.
Both the morning and afternoon preschoolers went outside on a nature hunt for various items in our school yard.  It was terrific to get some fresh air and look for all sorts of natural items we tend to not notice on a regular basis.

After our nature walk, we dissected flowers in the preschool and scientifically broke them apart and glued them down talking about words like stem, petal, etc.
We also learned about how to make imprints of leaves found on our walk on paper with crayons.  All of these things we have done on this day are things you can do on the weekends with your children.  They really help provide a hands on way to learn about items found in nature all around us.
This week we read stories, played on Disney Explorer apps and used chalk to write letters on plastic circles and then erase them with water and paint brushes.  We also played Ele-Fun as we caught butterflies. 
We made jellyfish and counted the tentacles on them as we glued them into place.
We also worked on counting numbers in sequential order as we followed connect the dots for some math activity. Sheets like these are easy to find anywhere and even your three year olds can do them if they are numbers 1 - 10.  As your child grows, so should the numbers on the connect the dots.  Did you know they even have some from 1 - 100? These are great ways to help children learn correct numerical sequence.
Just as the morning preschoolers made jellyfish, the afternoon children made sheep and talked about and acted out animals who live on farms.  They counted out four legs and one head then made the fluffy wool out of fingerprinted white dots.

What's Coming Up?

This coming week we will be talking about health and hygiene.
We have been taking 'graduation photos' of the preschoolers in the caps and gowns they will be wearing at our graduation in May.  We would like to take photos for the school year this week.  Our goal is to do this for each child by the end of the week in order to have copies run of the photos to give you on graduation day as well.  

April 29th is the Cinco de Mayo festival at Palatine High School, check the school website for details.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Blast Off!

Space is one of my favorite weeks of preschool!  There are so many fun and magical things we can do in class to spark the children's minds!  Here are just  a few of the amazing things we were able to teach about this week!

One vocabulary word we learned this week was crater; holes made on surfaces like the moon due to objects colliding with them.  We jumped from crater to crater in either tape circles or hula hoops placed on the floor to give the children a tactile idea of what typical craters are in the shape of; circles.  
Then, we threw meteors or moon rocks into some craters as well for some large motor skill hand eye coordination time.  

For math time, we even played a dice game in the morning to see which preschooler would fill in all their craters the fastest based on their roll.

We also did a little science experiment making craters on our own with pie tins filled with flour making the shape of the moon.  The children were given small pebbles to drop into the tin the carefully pick up to reveal craters of various sizes.

The morning preschoolers also practiced building rockets out of their names again to look for improvement from the last time we did this activity.   Some of the children were so excited about rockets this week they built their own out of blocks and even a few table chairs from the preschool tables. 

We painted rockets as well this week and even built some out of various shapes for an extra math activity.  Each day we spent  little time learning about rockets and space shuttles from building them to talking about where they go and what they see.  We even pretended to take a few flights to space!

Speaking of space, the children learned words like constellation as well and built many out of toothpicks and marshmallows, chalk and star stickers.  The children now know when you connect the dots of the stars, they can build pictures which is what we call constellations.
We also used a variety of apps on the iPads to find constellation placements in space as we moved them around the room and watched the constellations appear.

In case you were wondering why we use stickers so much in school, it is an excellent way to incorporate fine motor skills!  Pulling stickers off of the page to place them onto paper uses the pincher grasp which supports better writing.  So head out to the dollar store and pic up some stickers and let them design away at home!

Constellations weren't the only things we practiced making this week, we also made planets!  We realized that Earth is the easiest to find in the row of local planets because of the blue water and white clouds.  It's amazing what we learned from the children during our circle time discussions each day!

Ok, back to rockets!  So we also set some off this week using film canisters and alkaseltzer tablets outside!  They shot the highest we have seen and you can check it out on our instagram account where we have been posting a lot of fun videos this week!

We did a classroom blast off in the morning and afternoon to fly into space and go on some adventures.  Both morning and afternoon built constellations and galaxies out of hole punched paper.  If your child still has the paper he/she punched, then all you need to do is turn out the lights at home and shine a flashlight (maybe from your phone) under the paper and view the "stars" on your ceiling!  It's magical!
The other bit of magic we saw happen this week was how excited our own teachers were to build space helmets out of foil with the preschoolers to head up into space and view all the beauty out there.
The children were so excited about their helmets the teachers all asked to make some too and together we blasted off in our rockets at the circle rug and took a trip flying through space talking about what we saw on our journey!  

The afternoon children blasted off into space and created galaxies in bags to bring home.  They chose how much glue to add, what color and how much paint to include then sealed the bags and rubbed them together to find the sparkles of stars included in the paint.

On our journey into space in the afternoon, we build aliens out of play-dough, pipe cleaners and googly eyes. It was so funny hearing the giggles as each child worked to make the silliest alien they could imagine!
The morning took a quick trip to our gymnastics room on Friday as we practiced jumping on the moon like astronauts!  Then, when we got back to our classroom we tried jumping in our room and realized how much easier it is to bounce in space!

What's Coming Up?

Though space week is one of my favorites, we will be focusing on Earth Week by talking about Earth and the world in which we live.

We have 6 weeks of preschool left for the year so don't forget to mark your calendars for May 27th (Graduation Day).  More details will come the first week of May.

The Palatine High School Variety Show will be this weekend as well.  It is always amazing and filled with entertainment your family might enjoy!  Check out the Palatine High School webpage for more details!