Sunday, May 1, 2016

Healthy Living

The theme of this week is health. On Monday we talked about nutrition and the foods we need to eat to fuel our bodies. 
Fruits and vegetables are so good for the growing preschoolers!  All of the teachers were very impressed with the children's knowledge of eating healthy and coloring their plate with different foods!  
Our bodies are very complex, but this activity helped us break it down and get to know about our different organs and how they work together to keep us healthy.  The children took turns coming to the front of the room to put a piece of this beautiful human puzzle in the right spot!  

Next, we read the book "How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?". We talked about going to the doctor when we are sick so they can help us to feel better!
Just like our sensory bin this week, the preschoolers learned about the blood system.  We discussed the different blood cells that float through our bloodstream and how our heart pumps the blood throughout our entire body.  We talked about the color of our blood when we get a cut or fall and scrape our knees and the parts of our blood that help fight infection when these things happen.
As it begins to warm up outside, the teachers love to bring the preschoolers outside for some fresh air.  We demonstrated a science experiment outside about how our bodies process our food.  The children took turns mashing up some crackers in a bag and then the teacher poured in some sprite to act as the acid that churns our food.  The children watched and listened as the bubbles broke down the crackers like our stomachs break down our food after we eat.
We explored some X-rays and then made our own with chalk and Q-Tips! During free play we spent time in the blood the teachers set up in our sensory bin.  Lots of great discussions about our bodies happened these areas throughout the week.
The children enjoyed learning about stethoscopes and heart beats and how our blood pumps through out body as our heart beats and ended up taking home some 'blood in a bottle' to discuss what they learned in school.  We not only took turns using a stethoscope to listen to our hearts, we touched our chests and felt the beats then showed each other how fast or slow our heart was beating by opening and closing our hands. 

In order to stay healthy, we also have to exercise! So on Wednesday, after we tested our heart beats by placing one hand on our hearts and the other up in the air.  Every time our heart pumped, we curled our fingertips toward the palm of our hand.  We tried this after running and stretching to see if the pace changed at all!  

Our kitchen has been a big hit!  The children just love pretending to make meals and plan picnics and many discussions happened with teachers and children about which foods they chose to bring and if they were healthy foods one can eat all the time or unhealthy foods that are only ok to eat some of the time.

We did some challenging yoga poses this week too!  Afterward we took a rest and analyzed our heartbeats again! The corpse pose seen here where everyone is lying on their backs was the class favorite!
Pineapples are healthy and taste sweet!  There are so many delicious healthy foods for us to pick from!  The afternoon preschoolers enjoyed making some fruit out of paper to remind themselves of all the yummy things there are to eat that are good for our bodies too!

What's Coming Up?

This week we will be talking about going All Around the World and will be learning about various places and cultures both related to ourselves and to those we might know.

Special thanks to Shannon Shahinian for putting this week's blog together!

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