Saturday, October 15, 2016

Preschool is DINO-mite!

 We might've had a short week but it was filled with 'dino-riffic' discussions. After hearing from our two stars of the week we started talking about all the types of dinosaurs from long ago. We looked at a lot of different pictures and the children were able to identify quite the variety of dinosaurs.
We practiced making ourselves into triceratops by putting three fingers on our heads; many of the children talked about how a triceratops might be cousins with a rhinoceros because they look very similar and "maybe they have Thanksgiving dinner together". It was an awesome classroom discussion this week!
We learned that volcanoes were common around the time of the dinosaurs so we made volcanoes and then worked on creating our own sets of scale to wear during a dinosaur story time.

After our dino story we found some frozen fossils that needed help defrosting.  We learned that warm water could help melt them down so we could discover dinosaurs inside the frozen fossils!  It was awesome!  If you have left over balloons from playing this summer or from a birthday party rill them up with water and little water color paint as well as any small toys you can fit in the balloon.  Freeze it for a day or two then unwrap the balloon from the frozen ball.  This then will give you your frozen 'egg' shape

While taking a break from science to do some math we practiced counting first at the circle rug all together and then at the tables one on one with teachers.  The children were given a variety of dinosaur pictures and then asked to count all of the ones that were the same and then circle what number they counted.  This helps them improve rote counting skills as well as number recognition and teach them what each number represents as well in terms of amount.

 My favorite part about this week was the dinosaur eggs the teachers made. It took them over a week to create these amazing rock looking eggs. They looked exactly like a rock you would find in your front yard but they were made out of flour, coffee, salt and a few other ingredients.

The children talked about how many dinosaurs hatch from eggs and the teachers said they had a special surprise. The boys and girls helped break open the rock eggs the teachers made and were able to bring tiny dinosaurs home. The whole classroom smelled like coffee but it was the best time!

To end the week we made dinosaurs that can stand up!  The children painted the bodies and assembled the dinosaurs using heads, tails and legs.  Once these are dry, we will send them home to live atop your kitchen tables for a while as the centerpiece! 

What's Coming Up?

Don't forget we have another two day week as we will have preschool on Monday and Friday next week to talk about animals.  Wednesday there will be no preschool due to a testing schedule at the high school.  Don't come on Wednesday, October 19th, we won't be at the door!
Thursday, October 27th is the PHS Trick or Treat fest and free to everyone!  Be sure to attend!
Our classroom Halloween party will be Monday, October 31st during preschool hours.  Please bring in your RSVP if you haven't already.

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